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National Sheep Summary
San Angelo, TX Tue Jan 21, 2025 USDA Market News
National Sheep Summary for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Compared to last week at New Holland, PA slaughter lambs and slaughter
ewes steady. At San Angelo, TX compared slaughter lambs weak to 10.00
lower; slaughter ewes firm; feeder lambs not well tested. 3950 head
estimated for San Angelo today.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3:
San Angelo: wooled and shorn 140-145 lbs 182.00.
New Holland, PA: wooled and shorn 120-150 lbs 190.00-225.00, few 245.00-
Billings, MT: wooled and shorn 117 lbs 186.00; 125 lbs 175.00; 140
lbs 152.50.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2:
San Angelo: hair 40-60 lbs 320.00-350.00; 60-70 lbs 290.00-330.00;
70-80 lbs 270.00-315.00; 80-90 lbs 260.00-286.00, few
296.00; 90-110 lbs 210.00-260.00. wooled and shorn 96
lbs 2130.00.
New Holland: wooled and shorn 70-80 lbs 290.00-345.00, few 362.00-
365.00; 80-90 lbs 265.00-275.00; 90-100 lbs 250.00-
265.00; 100-110 lbs 242.00-265.00; 110-120 lbs 220.00-
245.00. hair 50-60 lbs 270.00-290.00, few 305.00-
320.00; 60-70 lbs 280.00-290.00, few 330.00-335.00; 70-
80 lbs 275.00-295.00; 80-90 lbs 270.00-290.00, few
300.00-315.00; 90-100 lbs 255.00-260.00; 100-110 lbs
Billings: wooled and shorn 60-70 lbs 240.00-269.00; 70-80 lbs
233.00-254.00; 80-90 lbs 210.00-230.00; 90-100 lbs
194.00-214.00. hair 50-60 lbs 262.50-266.00; 60-70 lbs
250.00-270.00; 70-80 lbs 237.00-262.50; 86 lbs 240.00;
90-100 lbs 190.00-211.00.
Slaughter Ewes:
San Angelo: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
100.00-105.00, hair 106.00-111500; Utility and Good 1-3
(medium flesh) hair 100.00-134.00; Utility 1-2 (thin)
95.00-100.00, hair 95.00-108.00; Cull and Utility 1-2
(very thin) 80.00-90.00; Cull 1 no test.
New Holland: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
115.00-122.00, hair 125.00-135.00; Utility 1-2 (thin)
no test; Cull 1 no test.
Billings: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 85.00-96.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
89.00-97.00, hair 96.00; Utility 1-2 (thin) 72.00-
89.00; Cull 1 65.00.
Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2:
San Angelo: hair 30-40 lbs 336.00-350.00.
Billings: 50-60 lbs 260.00-265.00; 60-70 lbs 252.50-260.00; 74
lbs 250.00.
Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2;
San Angelo: no test.
Billings: no test.
Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection for the week totaled
16,000 compared to 20,000 last week and 18,000 last year.
Source: USDA AMS LPG Market News, San Angelo Texas
Rebecca Sauder 325-450-4265